Leadership practices have something in common with aging rock bands that continue to headline in obscure little venues: both have passed their prime yet fail to recognize it.
In the 21st Century, leaders must be innovative. Leaders must be smart. Leaders must be able to multi-task several projects with a seemingly boundless creativity.
Stop and imagine for a moment that there may possibly be a naturally unfolding, emerging awareness, which is currently influencing commercial, business interactions, but also influencing more general
The idea of this hack is simple but a bit revolutionary—institute systematic rotations for managers in a particular role, which would in effect position-specific set term limits for upper and middle m
Move from a static, administration-heavy, compentency & performance based talent management system to a dynamic, innovation oriented, cool-sounding talent locator and accelerator,
From a five year study of HR practice in talent management and succession planning, one conclusion is clear -- most of the charts, competency frameworks, nine box grids and other paraphernalia (for wh
The last thing Wall Street analysts and investors are thinking about is "feelings." Too bad, because all economic activity boils down to the back-and-forth exchange of rewarding feelings. &