It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


As the proportion of Millennials in the workforce increase, management is going to have to adapt to the demands of this unique cohort.
Hack by Stephen Remedios on November 2, 2011
Interviewing is at best a flawed effort to assess job candidates (and even consultants). Too often, it produces disappointing--even disastrous--results. Here's why....
Barrier by Dr. Janice Presser on August 3, 2010
This is a multi-dimensional mirror reflection and extension of the co-authored “18 Black Holes” Hack, emerged during Innovating Innovation (In/In) MiX challenge.Therefore it is a live demo of
Hack by Audrey D. on July 17, 2013
The last thing Wall Street analysts and investors are thinking about is "feelings."  Too bad, because all economic activity boils down to the back-and-forth exchange of rewarding feelings. &
Hack by Paul Herr on August 6, 2010
This phenonmenon is not very common but it isn't very rare too. You must have seen new employees being shown doors during the probation period of their employment.
Hack by Naveen Kanthed on March 18, 2011
Ever since I joined the IT industry I always had a question on the performance appraisal process for career progression to next level or to get financial raise or any other benefit.
Hack by Pankaj Bodade on October 17, 2013
Design and nurture "Revolution Communities" whose objective is to reinvent the business of your company while abiding by new principles that reflect a more patient, social, principled capitalism; then
Hack by Luis Alberola on May 10, 2012
people engagement 1.0 is dead having an arrangement that creates significance & certainty, some variety and strong connection will flow to contribution & growth (innovation & discreti
Story by Wade Keenan on July 11, 2011
