It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


Agility requires us to rev up the frequency of our communication, collaboration and coordination as a team.  As the world continues to rev up, we must rev up with it, to handle t
Barrier by Mike Richardson on October 31, 2010
Imagine a room filled with 100 people like you. Everyone knows a little something about a little something. Now let’s say 25 of those people are given a question to answer.
Have the CEO Suspend the company cultue and politics (there's a process for this) for ten weeks, give the employees a risk free environment in which to communicate then have the CEO ask this question,
Story by Jim Smith on November 29, 2012
Organisations in which employees are highly engaged experience significant benefits, many of which are beyond increased financial returns.  Employees are more customer-focussed, more innovative,
Hack by Nigel Pedersen on December 16, 2011
In this article I make an inventory of my observations on HR. I cannot avoid concluding that HR can’t get any worse than it is today.
Barrier by Luc Galoppin on August 24, 2011

Bestselling author and MIX Maverick Seth Godin makes a case for why all the value goes to artists today--and describes what it takes to do work as art.

Best practices result in more copies of what exists now. When it comes to cracking the glass ceiling, we need uncommon practices.
Hack by Anne Perschel on November 22, 2010
Too often leaders think trust should flow one way: toward them. Instead, leaders should demonstrate trust in their coworkers first.
Hack by Gary Cohen on October 15, 2010

MIX Maverick Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehust discusses the value in letting people speak freely and without repercussions.
