It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Reinvent the means of control

“We need control systems that shape rather than stifle human contribution.”

Traditional control systems ensure high levels of compliance but do so at the expense of employee creativity, entrepreneurship, and engagement. To overcome the discipline-versus-innovation trade-off, tomorrow’s control systems will need to rely more on peer review and less on top-down supervision. They must leverage the power of shared values and aspirations while loosening the straitjacket of rules and strictures. The goal: organizations filled with people whose motivation and discipline comes from within.

61 Stories
205 Hacks
11 Barriers

Reinvent the means of control

“We need control systems that shape rather than stifle human contribution.”

Traditional control systems ensure high levels of compliance but do so at the expense of employee creativity, entrepreneurship, and engagement. To overcome the discipline-versus-innovation trade-off, tomorrow’s control systems will need to rely more on peer review and less on top-down supervision. They must leverage the power of shared values and aspirations while loosening the straitjacket of rules and strictures. The goal: organizations filled with people whose motivation and discipline comes from within.

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Enspiral is a network of professionals and companies on a mission to make the world a better place. We emphasize empowerment, collaboration, and innovation.
Story by Alanna Krause on March 30, 2014
Analogous to what augmented reality is to reality, the augmented leader will soon be with us. It is not a super human hero with chips installed in his brain.
Hack by dominique Turcq on June 30, 2011
Syndicate assignments are a component of the business school learning process, although these can present a challenge in terms of productivity.
Barrier by Rob Brine on May 2, 2012
The aim of the novel program is to advance and rearrange the educational programs of some schools. This will allow teaching the highly-qualified experts in order to advance business.
Story by Roberttson Taylor on May 23, 2017
Until we promote leaders through mindful transparency, unskilled bosses will continue to hold innovation hostage at the helm.
Barrier by Ellen Weber on September 25, 2010
Shifts in global, societal, technological, economic, and socio-political trends will shape the future of work.
Hack by Ross Smith on December 19, 2011
Let the system take care of all repetitive tasks. It is waste of managerial and organization's time 
Hack by Manoj Sharma on May 15, 2010
I propose to develop a digital performance tool that could  revolutionize the way we run the offices now.
Hack by sanjith yeruva on December 11, 2010
Every public company is controlled by a Board of Directors representing shareholders only; not employees, the community, the environment, or any other stakeholders.
Hack by Dale Bruns on March 13, 2012
 Inspired by the new sciences and adopting an integral approach aimed to the inclusion of different paradigms, theories and models on the organization field, I propose three requirements to effec
Hack by Michele Munaretti on June 5, 2012
