It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Focus the work of management on a higher purpose

"We need companies that feel like movements."

Most companies strive to maximize shareholder wealth—a goal that is inadequate in many respects. As an emotional catalyst, wealth maximization lacks the power to fully mobilize human energies. It’s an insufficient defense when people question the legitimacy of corporate power. And it’s not specific or compelling enough to spur renewal. Individuals need a compelling answer to the question, “What’s worth my life?” And organizations must offer a compelling case for why what they do matters—an original and persuasive blueprint for where their industry could and should be going. Going forward, management practices must focus on the achievement of socially significant and noble goals.

107 Stories
164 Hacks
12 Barriers

Focus the work of management on a higher purpose

"We need companies that feel like movements."

Most companies strive to maximize shareholder wealth—a goal that is inadequate in many respects. As an emotional catalyst, wealth maximization lacks the power to fully mobilize human energies. It’s an insufficient defense when people question the legitimacy of corporate power. And it’s not specific or compelling enough to spur renewal. Individuals need a compelling answer to the question, “What’s worth my life?” And organizations must offer a compelling case for why what they do matters—an original and persuasive blueprint for where their industry could and should be going. Going forward, management practices must focus on the achievement of socially significant and noble goals.

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Remember, there are no simple solutions to complicated problems. I hope my perspective will help you get unstuck; and, stay unstuck.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on August 13, 2017
What does focus and obligation have to do with a first line manager’s responsibilities? Focus and obligation are the keys to a successful organization. If you can draw; you can draw a focus.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on April 17, 2017
Once upon a time there was a matchstick factory. It was not huge, nor had it ever been very profitable.
Story by Bernhard Sterchi on April 16, 2017
Composting is a wonderful way to engage your employees in a green initiative which takes very little time but has a major impact overall. 
Story by Samantha Hager on March 30, 2017
Leaders must be managers; but, managers do not necessarily have to be leaders. Leaders have to manage all the resources at their disposal, self, others, communication, etc.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on February 7, 2017
Bart was my first Chef at the Admiral Benbow hotel in Birmingham. He set up the kitchen and planned our daily luncheon buffet. The buffet was a great success.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on January 24, 2017
The Vice President of the division told me a decision was made that I was not going any higher in the management of our company.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on December 14, 2016
A company that wants passionate managers must hire or promote them. Then stand back and watch the company become the best.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on September 18, 2016
How do you train employees to take charge if they do not want too? You can’t. You can only offer encouragement.To have a winning team a first line manager must require performance.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on August 21, 2016
In the time when the Abbasid Caliphs ruled in the Orient, there lived in Baghdad a successful high-ranking secretary. He was reputed for being utterly incorruptible.
Story by Bernhard Sterchi on July 29, 2016
