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Learning and Development

sean-schofield's picture

Creativity, innovation, synthesizing ambiguity, re-imagining the possible, and making unexpected connections - all important stuff; all becoming (/is already) business imperative.

Finally, all of this is about the absence of (in nearly all cases) routine problem solving.

I'm definitely biased, but I think this means that if we (sometimes) want...

By Sean Schofield on June 21, 2013
simon-gosney's picture

Too often, organisations propogate rather than enable creativity and innovation. One of the enemies of adaptability is Command-and-control systems (that) lead to organizations filled with anxious employees who are hesitant to take the initiative or trust their own judgment.

I see this manifested frequently in the form of posters, signs,...

By Simon Gosney on June 21, 2013
kev-wyke's picture

Here's a challenge!!!

What about hiring some ace people (isn't that what our recruitment processes always do?) and then what about letting them get on and do it??

I mean really, just trust them and let them get on and do it.

Don't fuss around, don't look over their shoulders,...

By Kev Wyke on June 18, 2013
amanda-drescher's picture

The gist: New employees and their organizations each want employees to connect with existing organizational culture. Why not integrate experimentation and learning (a critical element of the adaptable organization's culture), into the onboarding process?

The rationale: Employees are most vulnerable to becoming enemies of adaptability during the onboarding process, a time...

By Amanda Drescher on June 18, 2013
julien-pascual's picture

There is a vast amoint of books or articles to read to get informed and stay on the edge of what you do. No one can read them all. Plus, external information is a great way to stay up to date with your knowledge and remain adaptative. Public libraries are...

By Julien Pascual on June 17, 2013
julien-pascual's picture

Create project walls inside the company in a plce where most of your employees are lickely to go. have project expose the latest prototype of what they are building, and constantly refresh it. Project shall expose the rationals behinf their key design decisions. Any employee can, view and comment, expose...

By Julien Pascual on June 17, 2013
alberto-blanco's picture

HR: Let’s provoke corporate earthquakes together and create mobility, excitement, and courage in the process.

At this point of the project it’s clear to me and many others that companies change (if ever) in front of abrupt and severe crisis (and when they do it it’s generally too late)....

By Alberto Blanco on June 16, 2013
frederic-jleconte's picture

I have been asked to try to size a mini-hack shot of my previous awarded story about "Entangled Talents".

Challenge taken.

For those interested into the starting point details :


It is the occasion to give an update about this "Learning Organization For Tomorrow or LOFT ecosystem....

charles-huw-morris's picture


A cross-function process that routinely, collects from across the organisation ideas for meeting client expectations better then competitors and for closing the gap between current performance and the enterprise ambition - as articulated in values statements etc.  This would capture employees views of developments in the marketplace and potential...

By Huw Morris on June 15, 2013
michael-shell_1's picture

Now that we broken down the 9 principles of adaptive organizations, what practices can HR implement  to make them part of the DNA of the organization's culture?

By michael shell on June 14, 2013
