It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


Stories, Hacks, & Barriers

Groundbreaking ideas and practices from Kartik Subbarao
Empower employees to create and fund their own initiatives by allocating a portion of their annual bonus pay, matched by the company.
Hack by Kartik Subbarao on January 19, 2011

Co-authored Contributions

Inmost transformation efforts, changing the transparency of financialdata including salaries is like losing the last five pounds.
Hack by Susan Resnick West on July 2, 2011
In most transformations, changing the transparency of financial data including salaries is like losing the last five pounds.
Hack by Susan Resnick West on July 1, 2011
At the core of a healthy organization is the idea that people are respected and valued for their different gifts/strengths/talents.
Hack by Josh Allan Dykstra on June 27, 2011