It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


We want to completely revamp traditional project proposal methods in businesses to allow for greater creativity, innovation, and employee ownership.
Hack by Christian Lee on March 31, 2014
Create a public event series where organisations can safely experiment with future of work concepts and crowd source solutions to meaningful problems with the community 
Hack by Simon Waller on January 17, 2011
Few companies organize to walk multiple paths to re-invent themselves.Note: if you have a strange feeling of "Been there", or "Read that" no need to flip, and get out the lap.
Story by Frederic J.Leconte on January 4, 2013
Co-Authored By César Awad
Developing  a new model of thought that best motivates people in order to create, innovate, and maximize efficiency.
Hack by Frank Vuong on March 31, 2014
An idea gathering platform can be used for more than just solutions to problems, it can be used to source inputs into an innovation methodology that can be insightful and build a more innovative cultu
Hack by Jeffry Birkmeier on March 19, 2018