Implement a revolutionary, transparent corporate environment that: (1) allows meritocracy to assert its proper influence on the decision-making process; (2) eradicates the power of brow
Porter's Five Forces Model has been used in MBA level and other business courses on college campuses since it was invented by Michael Porter just over 30 years ago.
Implementing a new cost-sharing plan to make managers / leaders responsible for their people, beyond the traditional rhetoric "We are all about our people".
The FreeSpeak system is a simple but powerful method to force the organization to self-improve and become more competitive while eliminating reliance on management.
As I'm currently working on my annual employee evaluations(including my self-eval which I write and my boss puts his signatureon), I'm struck by how much time I sink into them and how useless theyreal
When we build leaders, our efforts are often ineffective. People listen but don't execute. They forget 80% of what they learn and can't usually execute 50% of what they do remember.