We the people, of your nameless, faceless organization, in order to form a more perfect union, do ordain and establish this Hack for reinventing how leaders are promoted.
We have been educated for stability – and we continue to train people to be effective in known territories – but the current competitive environment is unstable.
Porter's Five Forces Model has been used in MBA level and other business courses on college campuses since it was invented by Michael Porter just over 30 years ago.
Line up five people and whisper in succession a complex set of instructions. What the fifth person hears and does will have little resemblance to what the first person intended.
This hack proposes to create leadership/management teams in which power, tasks and responsibilities are not distributed across people on the same hierarchical level, but are held by a team representin
Ever since I joined the IT industry I always had a question on the performance appraisal process for career progression to next level or to get financial raise or any other benefit.