Development on a flat world
Global economy grow it's based on local competences and capacity to sell it out of their boundaries. (Like M. Porter references)
Foreign investment look up, in a combination of countries loan and global financial architecture, can allow undeveloped countries to develop sustainable projects, importing competences all around the world, supporting politicians with a private management acquisition for development.
This combination between supply and demand improvement can help solve most of today economic and financial problems regions face.
We can identify several problems that this project try to reach.
Economy as they are, is based in transactions to grow. Self development just can be financed at the bottom from loans, state inputs or interstates transactions. This way internal relations and development at the end are supported by a financial or state debt. A problem that all economies and localities are facing.
The undeveloped countries don't have the means for a sustainable grow, regarding just internal resources, human and means, they face a slowly if not stationary development.
The projects around the world are disconnected from an integrated theoretical end of self development and sustainability.
Different interests just want to sell their product, disconnected from a global net. (at the end this can happen by necessity demand, but is a slower process and resources consuming for a desire flourish economy.
Local politic interests can't have the power or difficult to reach global competences, or difficult to get import it. Financial, systemic and scope.
We have politic, financial and economic cycle problems has a day by day resolution, relating different institutions, without a systematic tree of resolution developed. So we get trough the same problems resolution, day after day, consuming time, money, resources and disconnected from the big picture.
We develop a web 2.0 platform with the main goal of:
1st Integrate local political interests implementation, representing regions, countries, towns, since they have the approval autonomy and legal assumption of big projects, in time, resources and development.
2nd Integrate private main consultants and engineering houses, approved by an internal methodology, that represent international projects. This ones are able to be responsible to design and manage Billion dollars projects.
3rd Create a financial net that represent global financial interests around the world and investment opportunities. With a linked methodology to get fast approvals. This include countries loans interests with the return assumed inside the project overall deal in a proportional plus incentive in project exports acquisitions.
4th Integrate an audit and legal companies in the project that regarding the projects type, conditions and entities allocate his participation.
With this real world relation enhanced with a web 2.0 platform we promote local competences exports, local and fast developments.
Even localities with financial approval for specific projects, can open the applications by the platform to foreign interest, that way the increment of inter relations increase the local financial grow, increasing transactions between different locations.
The platform will have pre-designed models of implementation to incentive and help decision makers engage the projects.
The platform intend to give constructive options for undeveloped countries engage in projects for self qualification, like how many people to reach and specifications as build one city. Than the consultants inside the project propose one project to instal the desired development scenario, with local implementations of all kind of process kneads to engage the local people in self development, regarding a frame time, using all the best knowledge and resources available in the world to do it.
If at the bottom for a specific time frame, with the best competences available in top world we can't deliver and help societies to be self sustainable they never will, and all the financial interests in today economy don't have a sustainable end.
Then if approved by all entities involved, the project have green light, so will be indexed item by item by kneads, and all kind of companies can apply to each deliver each specific item, its competence of management team the dynamic, invitation, selection and control of each unit, they have a time to close the project. Else everything run as traditional big projects competition and selection. Everything appear as a project tree at the platform, linked with overall specifications.
Increase all the market relations, increment net incomes by local competences to export and engage in foreign projects. More open and more relations we promote all over the world, more economic dynamic at all levels we get, from teachers, consultants, civil operators and engineers...
Engage different entities with the same political goal, getting them involved in projects approval starting in just one point, having the means to follow the projects in one single spot and approved competences.
Increase undeveloped countries development, helping them with private acquisitions getting successful in their end, and in a self and sustainability path, helping them getting access to the most advanced knowledge and resources, increasing the desired world development engagement scenario, getting involved with most advanced competences from the beginning, like resources control, energy efficiency,...
Develop the platform to function with the desired autonomy designed.
Look for strategic partners to deal and with interests in this kind of projects. Then work directly, using traditional channels, with entities to get one big project done as prototype (one self sustainable community in twenty years of 100.000 individuals, build from the ground).
Develop at the platform all the project revealing the strategic information. Than promote the platform near the world potential interested.
Regarding this challenge I put my self thinking and working about this concept.
It's true that it's already a result of real work I developed along past years as a professional consultant and entrepreneur.
Probably I have a lot of different and important contributions who allow me to create and structure this approach, but that I'm not able to enunciate, from the the HBS papers and articles, to MC Kinsey surveys, individuals as teachers and all the events I participate about all this subjects.
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