director, father, researcher at Gryphon Airlines SA PTY LTD
Me in Three
I think about life on a granular level, I struggle not to see the intricate detail in most scenarios. I truly enjoy looking for the cause and effect in different possibilities and I am always amazed at how this planet in CONNECTED. One thing always and I mean always leads to another, this fascinates me.
I love telling stories to my kids and people around me, I think it connects humanity. Getting good and even great stories is part of my life's work (sometimes great stories are sad and even revolting)....I think we as humans do not spend enough time telling stories nor accumulating great stories. When all is said and done our lives will be stories remembered or not remembered.....I think stories are critical.
I am fascinated with networks both human and animal. I am always amazed how information travels and the relative speed of that travel as well.The accuracy of information is a big deal because it limits or enhances decision making processes. I have observed ants (among other things) they rarely get the message wrong and therefore are highly successful...I wish we could be more like ants in the messaging sense.
Stories, Hacks, & Barriers
Groundbreaking ideas and practices from Hans Dieter Schulte
Taking a leaf out of the recent North African uprisings there is something profound and real about the way leaders are chosen and once chosen how they maintain power and hegemony.