I'm passionate about humans and organizations. I strongly want to participate to shape the future starting on improving myself and trying to help others to grow, not in the "right direction", but in their own right direction.
To the question : Am I going in the "right direction" ?
We all should answer : "I am so taken to go there by my friends and everyone who know me"
I really enjoy listening TEDTalks or other inspiring people speaking about their ideas that can change the world. Reinvent the management ? Yes, but it is not so hard ! We just have to open eyes and change the way we promote engagement, control and productivity. Let's make habits from existing initiatives like Lean management, game theory, holistic theory, fun theory, ethical hacking, emotional infrastructure, etc...
I want to build a better world. A better world is not a dream, it's happening ! We need to trust ourself and others and we will make it. Each of us need to turn ourself into Gardener.
Stories, Hacks, & Barriers
Groundbreaking ideas and practices from Alexis Nicolas