It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


Implement a pattern derivation system based on the conversations people in your organization have about their work life, stress level, relationship with management and co-workers and workplace environ
Hack by Aditya Ghuwalewala on October 30, 2013

The introduction into the workplace of social media tools and other technologies that make communication easier, broader, and faster, tend to underscore a lesson that most managers used to take many years to learn: that we lead not by controlling but by inspiring.

Emergent social software platforms — the enabling technologies of the 2.0 Era — are being deployed by enterprises at a rapid rate. Companies as varied as Microsoft, Spigit, Salesforce, Jive, Socialtext, and IBM now all offer enterprise social offerings for customers. This brings up an important...
Blog by Andrew McAfee on November 11, 2010
Using personal and social networks (Web 2.0) to invigorate and motivate others to achieve dramatic results in a very short period of time.
Story by Raymond Campbell on January 13, 2011

Dell VP James Franklin talks with Gary Hamel about the impact of social media on today's organizations and the expectations of a workforce that is growing up on the web.

Enterprises as open, sustainable platforms for internal and external stakeholders to host conversations and collaborations to co-create a shared vision and holistic value that meet the personal, profe
Hack by Sankar on June 18, 2011
The white coat of a physician signifies a 19th century model of leadership: authoritative, unchallenged, above and beyond the ordinary. This is not who today's physicians are.
Hack by Sonja Dieterich on July 18, 2011
