It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


With me being an active participant within the MIX community, I am being humbled and honored to see that the theme behind the current MIX challenge (i.e.
Hack by Charles Prabakar on November 26, 2012
Pull out the list of the “most innovative companies” from your favorite business magazine. With the exception of their brand recognition, which is the entry fee for these beauty pageants, they have few innovation competencies or practices in common that would distinguish them from the rest of the rabble—whether unique strategies, unusual financing or novel ways of hiring and staffing.
Blog by Jeff DeGraff on March 13, 2013
Leaders who have an understanding of neuroscience basics have a tool much like a navigational compass to guide their teams and individuals through common change related obstacles.  Neuros
Hack by Earl Miller on October 23, 2017
Originally published on InnovationTraining.orgWhen you are given a business problem or you are looking for ways to develop and launch a new product or service and don’t know where to start, review the
Hack by Jenny Sankovsky on February 21, 2017
The sole purpose of a business is to grow. This can take on many dimensions – profits, revenues, market share, brand or community influence just to name a few. The road to growth is very simple. Innovation is required to drive growth. You make something better or new (products, services, solutions...
Blog by Jeff DeGraff on August 9, 2012
Innovation, simply defined, is the process that takes new ideas and implements them in a way that creates value. It's not the same thing as invention, which is an event that occurs at a distinct point in time, often resulting in a single product. Innovation is the extension of invention, the act of bringing things that are invented to market, repeatedly.
Blog by Jim Stikeleather on November 3, 2011
If you were compiling a list of the world's most innovative companies, which businesses would top your list? No one would be surprised if you picked Google, Apple or Amazon, but what about Wal-Mart? (Huh?) Or PG&E (a utility, for crying out loud)? Surely there must be some mistake! Or how 'bout...
Blog by Gary Hamel on December 17, 2010
Leapfrog ideas happen in a state of extreme euphoria or utter distress.  The first situation is explored by comparing innovation with sex.  Valuable lessons can be learned.
Hack by Ben Keet on December 18, 2012
Innovation and collaboration require appropriate recognition for divergent attitudes and convictions.
Hack by John Roth on November 18, 2018
A colleague who I worked with 4 years ago tried to use the company bar, an existing employee perk, to generate an internal market for new product ideas.
Story by Daniel Pay on September 21, 2010
