It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


As legacy business thinking attempts to stagger away from the ingrained practices of the Industrial era towards modernity nothing is in need of a more radical re-assessment than the view of the employ
Hack by Mike Parker on April 10, 2016
Shift from an obsession with financial forecasting to becoming expert in behaviour and attitude forecasts.
Hack by Chris Shambrook on June 14, 2013
Ever found yourself sitting in another performance improvement meeting listening to a “sensei” discussing how to reduce waste or error by another Sigma and wondering if it is only you who secretly thi
Hack by Mike Parker on March 4, 2016
Consciousness in organisations is the next breakaway competitive advantage. In our work with individuals and organizations, we have discovered a way to increase mental agility and creativity.
Hack by Mike Parker on March 24, 2016