It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


The notion is one of organizations having an adaptive approach to work, by giving individuals regular opportunities to choose a proportion of what they do rather than having it all determined for them
Hack by Keith Gulliver on July 17, 2013
Employee Engagement. From 1 person to 2860 members one person at a time. The employee engagement network has grown from myself to 2860 people in two years.
Story by David Zinger on August 21, 2010
How many times have you heard of an ex-employee saying “It just wasn’t fun anymore?” That’s a refrain all leaders ignore at their peril. There is a rich body of research and philosophy that argues that the psychological experience of play is a fundamental ingredient in engagement and satisfying,...
Blog by Leighton Read on April 8, 2010
In 1961, Martin Graetz, Stephen Russell, and Wayne Wiitanen wrote a PDP-1 program to create a game they called SpaceWar! – oft-cited as the first video game. In 1972, Nolan Bushnell famously created PONG to rock our world. Space Invaders showed up in 1977. PacMan entered the lexicon in 1980, about...
Blog by Ross Smith on November 14, 2010
The so-called shift to knowledge work was actually a shift from prefigured to configured working activities.  It brought with it a shift in the locus of control over the worker's activities - fro
Hack by Fred Nickols on July 11, 2011
Today we manage workers by headcount, jobs, roles, processes, and infrastructure.
Hack by Michael Grove on April 30, 2012
Company culture and employee retention when faced with the millennial generation can often seem like a serious hassle.
Story by Samantha Hager on March 20, 2017