It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


Here’s a story how a small team tried to bring the best of both worlds together in a complex, corporate setup – effective processes and a humane environment that reaches deep into personal traits.&nbs
Story by Maciej Kaniowski on March 30, 2014
In October, 2012, iHire transitioned its culture to a Results Only Work Environment (ROWE), which is a management philosophy in which the focus comes off where, when and how long employees are working
Story by Lisa Shuster on December 26, 2013
Have the CEO Suspend the company cultue and politics (there's a process for this) for ten weeks, give the employees a risk free environment in which to communicate then have the CEO ask this question,
Story by Jim Smith on November 29, 2012
To increase employee satisfaction, build trust and retain talent during a post-product cycle reorganization (reorg), the Microsoft Lync Test team offered its employees the freedom to choose what they
Story by Dan Bean on December 17, 2011
The traditional directive style of leadership has been part of our organisational lives because it serves an important purpose.
Story by Joris Luijke on December 3, 2011
Understanding a company’s culture is a key component that leaders may ignore. When I took on a new role, an updated strategy was cited as top priority. What the team needed was a culture boost.
Story by Jonathan Becher on November 1, 2011
 A newly appointed general manager (GM) managed to turn an unsuccessful company and not only achieving an unmatched level of performance, however he also created a trust culture in the workplace.
Story by Jacobus Tolken on October 4, 2011
In Parts 1-3, I recounted the Pull Replenishment saga of how a small team started a bottom-up movement that generated millions of dollars in profit, improved shipping performance to the customer, and
Story by David Choe on June 17, 2011
