42projects is an initiative across several teams at Microsoft to innovate in the way we manage by focusing on building trust, using games to increase productivity, and encouraging grassroots innovatio
A 163yr old privately held 7th generation 19th & 20th Century industrial “brown box” packaging company transforms itself into a 21st Century Consumer and Design focused company by inno
Fundamental infrastructure innovations must overcome a steeper than normal entry barrier. The market-place considers them an avoidable adventure regardless of need. Early adopters are rare.
To increase employee satisfaction, build trust and retain talent during a post-product cycle reorganization (reorg), the Microsoft Lync Test team offered its employees the freedom to choose what they
Inspired by Gary Hamel's "The Future of Management", I facilitated the transformation of one of my company's business units from a 20th century hierarchical
A stressed out small businessman learns, the hard way, the importance of a work place where people are energized and motivated by working the way that works for them.
Here’s a story how a small team tried to bring the best of both worlds together in a complex, corporate setup – effective processes and a humane environment that reaches deep into personal traits.&nbs
In October, 2012, iHire transitioned its culture to a Results Only Work Environment (ROWE), which is a management philosophy in which the focus comes off where, when and how long employees are working