Understanding a company’s culture is a key component that leaders may ignore. When I took on a new role, an updated strategy was cited as top priority. What the team needed was a culture boost.
“Leadership days”? These would involve rearranging the organisation for a day so that managers can relinquish control to an employee one level down in the hierarchical structure.
Entropy: a hypothetical tendency for the universe to attain a state of maximum homogenity in which all matter is uniform..Among all matter, gases have the highest entropy, they don't have a p
A newly appointed general manager (GM) managed to turn an unsuccessful company and not only achieving an unmatched level of performance, however he also created a trust culture in the workplace.
The Deliberative Corporation is a technology-supported process for sustainable decision-making. It allows any organization or governing group to consult its population.
People and the WWW share common “deep values.” Sandwiched in between are Management 1.0 (& aspiring 2.0) Organizations and Software Applications that ride the www.&nbs