The commitment, intensity, focus and persistency found in activists non-profit organisations like Green Peace, The Sea Shepard, Africa Wildlife foundation, The tea party movement and Occupy wall
This post originally appeared in Tim O'Reilly's Google+ feed and on O'Reilly Radar . This tweet by Steve Case ( @stevecase ) struck home for me, because in the aftermath of Steve Jobs' death I've been thinking a lot about O'Reilly, wanting to make sure that we streamline and focus on the stuff that...
A Group of undergraduates & graduates build a sports media organization and a social network by empowering the passionate individuals through innovative management style to endorse university spor
In a world where employee engagement and autonomy are becoming increasingly necessary, are we inadvertently exposing ourselves to risk - the risk of making decisions that are distorted by emotional fa
-- A few weeks ago, we kicked off the Hackathon Pilot, an experiment enabling passionate MIXers to collaboratively "write the chapter" on how to enable communities of passion within our organizations (learn more about the pilot here and here ). During Sprint #2, our pilot team was tasked with...
-- A few weeks ago, we kicked off the Hackathon Pilot, an experiment enabling passionate MIXers to collaboratively "write the chapter" on how to enable communities of passion within our organizations (learn more about the pilot here and here ). During Sprint #2, our pilot team was tasked with...
-- A few weeks ago, we kicked off the Hackathon Pilot, an experiment enabling passionate MIXers to collaboratively "write the chapter" on how to enable communities of passion within our organizations (learn more about the pilot here and here ). During Sprint #2, our pilot team was tasked with...
-- A few weeks ago, we kicked off the Hackathon Pilot, an experiment enabling passionate MIXers to collaboratively "write the chapter" on how to enable communities of passion within our organizations (learn more about the pilot here and here ). This is the fourth post in a series where pilot...
I’ve spent the past week preparing for the MIX Hackathon Pilot. As I mentioned in my introductory post , our plan was to take the first week to recruit 10-20 participants. Well, we’ve blown right through that number. Over fifty of you have raised your hands to volunteer, representing six continents...