This case study shows how Microsoft Netherlands (MS Netherlands) successfully implemented a radical and wide-ranging change to its management approach.
At one time or another, most of us have probably worked for a boss who was self-absorbed, vindictive, or just plain inept — a real-life equivalent to Dunder Mifflin’s Michael Scott. One of my first jobs was for an HR manager who thought the best way to humble a cocky new MBA was to have him spend...
In business, if you are managing people in any way, shape or form - you are clearly expected to be a leader of your team/tribe, but leadership is rarely, if ever, included in your job t
In business there is an increasing desire for people to find their unique voice, contribute in ways that leverage their talents and relate with one another in more meaningful ways.
It’s time for a new model of management; one that facilitates real-time updates of ideas, conversation, support or lack of support, is short, sharp and to the point, provides transparency and provides
Twenty-first century companies are in great need of innovative leaders. They need men and women who know how to put new ideas to work effectively and responsibly in every corner of their organizations. They need people who will define what's next in our markets and societies. But that doesn't mean...
Development of a transparent employment process that results in not only the best person for the position being appointed but also keeps that person by making the company accountable for all promises