Organizational change usually comes from people at the top. Employees often find it hard to create change in the organization because they aren't heard.
“Leadership days”? These would involve rearranging the organisation for a day so that managers can relinquish control to an employee one level down in the hierarchical structure.
Porter's Five Forces Model has been used in MBA level and other business courses on college campuses since it was invented by Michael Porter just over 30 years ago.
At one time or another, most of us have probably worked for a boss who was self-absorbed, vindictive, or just plain inept — a real-life equivalent to Dunder Mifflin’s Michael Scott. One of my first jobs was for an HR manager who thought the best way to humble a cocky new MBA was to have him spend...
In the spirit of constant experimentation and evolution, we continue to invent new modes of engaging the most adventuresome practitioners and boldest thinkers in tackling the big challenge of making our organizations as resilient, inventive, inspiring, and accountable as they need to be to meet the...
Line up five people and whisper in succession a complex set of instructions. What the fifth person hears and does will have little resemblance to what the first person intended.
Editor's note: You can follow Vineet Nayar on twitter at @vineetnayar . I’ve often wondered about the book ‘Nice girls don’t make the corner office’ by Dr Lois P Frankel. The author cautions women that their careers could get sabotaged by “girlish behaviour” learned in childhood, such as working...
We have been educated for stability – and we continue to train people to be effective in known territories – but the current competitive environment is unstable.