It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


Editor's note: You can follow Vineet Nayar on twitter at @vineetnayar . I’ve often wondered about the book ‘Nice girls don’t make the corner office’ by Dr Lois P Frankel. The author cautions women that their careers could get sabotaged by “girlish behaviour” learned in childhood, such as working...
Blog by Vineet Nayar on November 12, 2010
Implement a leadership development programme in which the employees of an organisation are exposed to the challenges faced by their CEO for a day
Hack by Prince Goel on March 20, 2011
Just about every business person says they want to run a responsible, even ethical business.
Hack by Andrew Leigh on October 4, 2013
Most companies have internal employee portals - the one where all employees are expected to or voluntarily sign in everyday. Here, it is easy to search for any employee (via their ID no.).
Hack by Joel Modestus on July 14, 2013
I’ll bet you know a natural leader. Maybe you are one. Maybe you’re a mom who started a support group for the parents of children with special needs. Maybe you’re a concerned citizen who mobilized a group of preservation-minded neighbors to halt the destruction of a venerable old building. Maybe...
Blog by Gary Hamel on May 20, 2011
It takes some time to realize what type of manager I wanted to be. This story is how I came to realize this fact. Also, how I realized a corporate suite was not for me.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on September 6, 2015

The work of leadership changes dramatically when wage slaves become artists, argues MIX Maverick and bestselling author Seth Godin. The best leaders make their organizations havens for heretics by suspending religion (rules) whenever possible and focusing on faith (deeper purpose).

A boldly original, radical retake on the practice and theory of management from the “both…and” view of “ecologics”, that embraces and contains the “either/or” logic of economics.
Hack by David Hurst on April 23, 2012
Social revolutions are nothing but the outer manifestation of an inner evolution that has already begun.
Wouldn't it be great if human beings were born with a "users guide?" Then we would know the best way to lead, motivate and engage our employees.  My hack attempts to deduce what the
Hack by Paul Herr on January 8, 2011
