Over-thinking is what I have done as a first line manager for my career. My main concerns were for our customer care, employee understanding, and department effectiveness.
Know how to project power, counsels Stanford management professor Bob Sutton, since those you lead need to believe you have it for it to be effective. And to lock in your team’s loyalty, boldly defend their backs. Bosses matter. They matter because more than 95 percent of all people in the...
At one time or another, most of us have probably worked for a boss who was self-absorbed, vindictive, or just plain inept — a real-life equivalent to Dunder Mifflin’s Michael Scott. One of my first jobs was for an HR manager who thought the best way to humble a cocky new MBA was to have him spend...
Implementing a new cost-sharing plan to make managers / leaders responsible for their people, beyond the traditional rhetoric "We are all about our people".
The Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal Employee Program (FEP) uses an innovative meeting process to quickly access the most untapped resource in almost every company, and then uses that resource to transf
Development of a transparent employment process that results in not only the best person for the position being appointed but also keeps that person by making the company accountable for all promises