It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


Re-architecting the structure of the new age organization as a collection of autonomous cells, each performing a specialist service, bound together by the melody of a common purpose.
Hack by Neetan Chopra on June 23, 2011
3M takes its Markets of the Future process from a cloistered analysis by corporate strategists to a global Web 2.0-enabled event, tapping the collective insight of 20,500 3Mers in over 60 countries.&n
Story by Barry K. Dayton on June 16, 2011
CoP's are "a group of people organized for a specific purpose around a shared set of values; who collectively care deeply about the purpose, adhere to the shared values and are selfless in their pursu
Co-Authored By Alex Perwich
Using the theory behind existing technologies to change the way organizations manage innovation.
Hack by Amanda Drescher on June 2, 2011
Over the last decade, the Internet has had a profound impact on business. It has spawned a slew of new business models and has helped make operating models vastly more efficient. By contrast, the Web’s impact on management models has been relatively modest.
Blog by Gary Hamel on May 24, 2011

Watch Gary Hamel, celebrated management thinker and author and co-founder of the Management Innovation eXchange (MIX), make the case for reinventing management for the 21st century. In this fast-paced, idea-packed, 15-minute video essay, Hamel paints a vivid picture of what it means to build organizations that are fundamentally fit for the future—resilient, inventive, inspiring and accountable. "Modern” management is one of humanity’s most important inventions, Hamel argues.

Most of the industrial pioneers who created “modern” management—individuals like Frederick Taylor, Frank Gilbreth, Henry Ford, Alfred Sloan, and Donaldson Brown—were born in the 19th century. These bold thinkers would no doubt be surprised to learn that their inventions, which included workflow...
Blog by Gary Hamel on April 25, 2011
So much of the leadership conversation centers around the question “how do I get more out of my people?” I don’t think I’ve been at a conference or sat in on a conversation with business leaders where the subject—and that exact phrase— hasn’t come up. Now, without a doubt, bringing forth the full...
Blog by Polly LaBarre on April 21, 2011
-- A few weeks ago, we kicked off the Hackathon Pilot, an experiment enabling passionate MIXers to collaboratively "write the chapter" on how to enable communities of passion within our organizations (learn more about the pilot here and here ). This is the second post in a series where pilot...
Blog by Chris Grams on April 15, 2011
Editor's note: This is the second in a series of three posts (previously published in The Wall Street Journal ) introducing the Moonshots for Management that now make up the framework for the MIX. We're republishing them here to give an introduction for those readers of the MIX who may not be...
Blog by Gary Hamel on April 13, 2011
