It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


3M takes its Markets of the Future process from a cloistered analysis by corporate strategists to a global Web 2.0-enabled event, tapping the collective insight of 20,500 3Mers in over 60 countries.&n
Story by Barry K. Dayton on June 16, 2011
Leaders who have an understanding of neuroscience basics have a tool much like a navigational compass to guide their teams and individuals through common change related obstacles.  Neuros
Hack by Earl Miller on October 23, 2017
42projects is an initiative across several teams at Microsoft to innovate in the way we manage by focusing on building trust, using games to increase productivity, and encouraging grassroots innovatio
Story by Ross Smith on April 11, 2010
Let's talk less about profit and more about value. Customer value. Let's talk about how we (as innovators) help customers create value.
Hack by Richard Ferrers on December 9, 2012
Over the last decade, the Internet has had a profound impact on business. It has spawned a slew of new business models and has helped make operating models vastly more efficient. By contrast, the Web’s impact on management models has been relatively modest.
Blog by Gary Hamel on May 24, 2011
The term “innovation” gets bandied about a lot these days. For organizations to truly benefit from their innovation initiatives, they first must understand what exactly it is—and what it is not. It has been my humble pleasure to work with a number of outstanding luminaries in judging the MIX’s most...
Blog by Jim Stikeleather on February 28, 2013
If you were compiling a list of the world's most innovative companies, which businesses would top your list? No one would be surprised if you picked Google, Apple or Amazon, but what about Wal-Mart? (Huh?) Or PG&E (a utility, for crying out loud)? Surely there must be some mistake! Or how 'bout...
Blog by Gary Hamel on December 17, 2010
