It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


This case study is about the horizontal management model developed and implemented at VAGAS, a Brazilian software company for the recruitment market, and its main underlying ideas.
Story by Mário Kaphan on March 31, 2014
Whirlpool Corporation has a very sophisticated talent management process, using traditional talent pool tools such as the 9-Box to rate and calibrate top talent.
Story by Nancy Tennant on October 30, 2013
Employee Engagement. From 1 person to 2860 members one person at a time. The employee engagement network has grown from myself to 2860 people in two years.
Story by David Zinger on August 21, 2010
people engagement 1.0 is dead having an arrangement that creates significance & certainty, some variety and strong connection will flow to contribution & growth (innovation & discreti
Story by Wade Keenan on July 11, 2011
The Enterprise Social Networks of TravelFirst helps employees to connect more readily to address the unexpected.Addressing unexpected business challenges often requires identification and mobilization
Story by Paul Gromball on December 27, 2010
