As I've browsed the MIX over the past months, I've noticed a few regular contributors whose hacks , stories , and barriers always blow me away. Over the coming months, I hope to highlight some of these people and their ideas here in my role as a Moonshot Guide. Today, I'd like to point you to Aaron...
Any one on the tenure ratchet knows that the lag time between writing ahigh quality, empirical journal article and it's actual printpublication date can be irritating at the least, and downrightfrustr
One of the challenges of faculty work is that, while there arelarge number of great faculty members out there, access to these facultymembers is limited to physical presence in the classroom; until no
This is a very raw idea, but in my view, one of the things that is clearly holding academia back from a clear aggressive approach to developing new knowlege and advancing innovaion is this notion of l