It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


The current industry model is broken. Our economy is built on a ‘take make waste’ model that negatively impacts environmental and human systems and is not tenable in the long term.
Hack by Chris Allen on May 10, 2012
A collaborative business planning and execution approach holds the promise of increasing the success rates for achieving corporate goals.
Hack by Matt Johnson on April 29, 2012
There is no doubt that there is tremendous goodwill, not to mention countless exciting experiments, when it comes to making the world of work more deeply human—designed to promote more freedom , equity , and engagement , and passion . Why, then, can those words sound so cheap and drained of their...
Blog by Polly LaBarre on April 25, 2012
As a reverse fairy tale for the CEO set, the reality television program Undercover Boss is fascinating, not so much in the witness-to-a-train- wreck mode of the rest of the genre, but because it is so revealing of our conflicted relationship with "the boss." The premise of the show—that the only way to get a clue about what's really going on in his (or her) organization, is for the boss to go undercover on the front lines—is all too often the actual reality in organizations of any size. Yet, at the same time, the view of the boss as the ultimate authority with the heroic power to swoop in and save the day—whether that means paying down a mortgage, granting an instant promotion, or banishing a reviled policy—holds sway in real life as well as on "reality" TV.
Blog by Polly LaBarre on March 5, 2012
Innovation can happen by chance, without a determined effort or specific methodology. But when it does, it's more like luck than strategic progress. While there is a role for serendipity in strategy – being able to take advantage of pleasant surprises -- too often, that's the only way companies approach innovation: with fingers crossed.
Blog by Jim Stikeleather on February 9, 2012
Our big goal here at the MIX is to inspire and unleash as much collective aspiration, audacity, imagination, energy, and passion as possible when it comes to making all of our organizations fit for the future--and fit for human beings. We've said it before: so much is broken when it comes to how...
Blog by Polly LaBarre on January 25, 2012

We are our own worst enemies when it comes to the emotional labor of doing great work, says MIX Maverick Seth Godin. He offers up powerful wisdom on how to overcome all of your excuses and get in the habit of starting the right things--and shipping everything you start.
