It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


We all know that big, established companies struggle to respond to "disruptive" change. Blockbuster, HMV, Nokia, and Yahoo! are all current examples of companies that are struggling with this problem--they are trying to adapt, but are being held back by powerful and often invisible inertial forces...
Blog by Julian Birkinshaw on July 26, 2011
One of my friend working in a big multi national company (Culturally diverse), was talking to me and said that : "Dude, My Boss told me to control my enthusiasm of how I do stuff!!, And it was really
Barrier by Tap Kham on September 1, 2012
You probably know people whose mothers loom large - even in their adult lives.  Their every move is slowed by the tugging of apron strings and the daunting consideration of what mother would thin
Story by Julian Birkinshaw on July 6, 2010
An Anglican parish launches a bold experiment with a radical model of how to “do church,” by  replacing hierarchy with communities of passion, and unleashing the capabilities of its c
Story by Drew Williams on July 10, 2010
Our big goal here at the MIX is to inspire and unleash as much collective aspiration, audacity, imagination, energy, and passion as possible when it comes to making all of our organizations fit for the future--and fit for human beings. We've said it before: so much is broken when it comes to how...
Blog by Polly LaBarre on January 25, 2012
Whirlpool Corporation recently added the “bow” to the rock-solid and deeply embedded Double Diamond process which focuses on discovery and development of new opportunities in the front end.
Story by Moisés Noreña on August 7, 2011
Organizations that thrive over the long run, in good times and bad, pay explicit attention to all these issues. Three of them, though, seem particularly crucial as we think about new challenges confronting us today.
Blog by Gary Hamel on October 11, 2011
Editor's Note: Ross Smith has worked in every corner of the software industry for over 20 years and is currently a Director of Test at Microsoft. You can read his M-Prize-winning STORY Organizational Trust: 42projects . In 1855, Robert Browning published a poem about the Italian Renaissance painter...
Blog by Ross Smith on June 6, 2011
