It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


Here’s a story how a small team tried to bring the best of both worlds together in a complex, corporate setup – effective processes and a humane environment that reaches deep into personal traits.&nbs
Story by Maciej Kaniowski on March 30, 2014

The work of leadership changes dramatically when wage slaves become artists, argues MIX Maverick and bestselling author Seth Godin. The best leaders make their organizations havens for heretics by suspending religion (rules) whenever possible and focusing on faith (deeper purpose).

It begins with you! In the greater sense of all aspects there are no cultural differences. Many of today’s existing, foremost believed cultures are simply pictured by different markets environments.
Story by Hans Soentgerath on November 7, 2010

Bestselling author and MIX Maverick Seth Godin makes a case for why all the value goes to artists today--and describes what it takes to do work as art.

A MissionMosaic mixes individual stories of staff which mirror a mission value into a coherent whole.
Hack by Olaf Du Pont on June 6, 2013
After a period of relative under-performance from '99 to '04, In 2005 Hindustan Unilever undertook a massive 'culture-reboot' that focussed the length and breadth of the organization on making a 'real
Story by Stephen Remedios on April 15, 2012
Lack of organisational commitment to openness and transparency often leads to organisations recreating - at high cost - solutions which can be accessed for free.
Hack by Heidi De Wolf on October 17, 2013
