It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


At Experian Latin America, aiming to systemize innovation as a capability in an increasingly competitive market, we implemented an ideation platform that mirrors our company’s people-oriented ma
Innovation should be the most enjoyable form of work, but the project modality leaches all joy from it: deadline pressure, boss-driven scope, and a team made up of "the usual suspects".
Story by Jeremy Clark on May 11, 2010
Faced with the challenge of encouraging growth in its smaller, regional brands, one large global organization creates a virtual network of innovators worldwide
Story by Peter Robbins on July 11, 2010
What happens when volunteers respond to the call for “digital citizen scientists,” agreeing to use their personal computer downtime to run a program for solving the problem of protein folding, a key t
Story by shirley spence on September 24, 2010
Dropping levels of student engagement in the United States and Canada has become a crisis - with 46% of high school students reporting they are bored in school (USA), and only 45% of grade 12 students
Story by Michael Furdyk on March 31, 2014