It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


My experience as a manager – and in particular, as the leader of a company – has been shaped by two quotes that have helped frame my thinking about that role. One is from Harold Geneen, who oversaw the growth of ITT into the first modern conglomerate: “The skill of management is achieving your...
Blog by Tim O'Reilly on November 23, 2010

Often the biggest impact starts with a small experiment, says MIX Maverick Seth Godin. The trick is getting from "my boss won’t let me" to being the person who fails (and learns) the most.

In October, 2012, iHire transitioned its culture to a Results Only Work Environment (ROWE), which is a management philosophy in which the focus comes off where, when and how long employees are working
Story by Lisa Shuster on December 26, 2013
The so-called shift to knowledge work was actually a shift from prefigured to configured working activities.  It brought with it a shift in the locus of control over the worker's activities - fro
Hack by Fred Nickols on July 11, 2011

Author and MIX Maverick Dan Pink debunks "empowerment" and "flexibility" as simply new forms of control—and makes a case for true autonomy as the ruling ethos for organizations.
