It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


Describe an innovation in the way an organization is managed — and let others see what you've accomplished.

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A revolution in management is brewing...

Around the globe, at every level, in all kinds of organizations, inspired innovators are staging inventive experiments to make their organizations as adaptable, creative, engaging, and accountable as the people who work there. In the past, it was difficult for management innovators to share their experiences directly with others — but now we have the MIX.

Dig into these real-world case studies of management innovation, and mix it up with the positive deviants who are changing the game. Have you tried something new? Share it here and see what others think.

The MIX Lab / Stories

A dynamic collection of real-world case studies from the MIX community

A real story of a curious public sector leader, a pugilist and a contrarian, who chose to do the right thing and design his system entirely around the needs of the customer - against the advice of Gov
Story by John Seddon on June 18, 2010
When we submitted our  ‘Project 10X’ hack last June as a part of MIX’s ‘Leaders Everywhere Challenge’ we imagined piloting that innovative change strategy within one of Silicon Valley’s
Story by Bill Veltrop on March 23, 2014
Co-Authored By Max Shkud
Mobilizing our assets and capabilities towards becoming a truly global company requires us to leverage the knowledge created across the company and share it to innovate through replication and improve
Story by Cynthia Alvarado on March 27, 2014
Every year companies spend billions of dollars on training and development, trying to help their people become more engaged, more innovative, and better leaders.
Story by Pamela Weiss on December 20, 2011
Co-Authored By Todd Pierce
Permission to draw fundamental distinctions between Performance Aspiration and Health Aspiration, as described throughout Beyond Performance, McKinsey & Company, represents a land
Story by John Roth on August 18, 2012
Introduction In today's globalizing world, every organization wants to be sustainable and make significant contribution to the community they are part off.
Story by Sidarth Tikoo on April 19, 2014
After a period of relative under-performance from '99 to '04, In 2005 Hindustan Unilever undertook a massive 'culture-reboot' that focussed the length and breadth of the organization on making a 'real
Story by Stephen Remedios on April 15, 2012
