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Embed the ethos of community and citizenship

“Stakeholder relationships must be seen as interdependent and positive-sum.”

In our increasingly interdependent world, highly collaborative systems will outperform organizations that are characterized by adversarial win-lose relationships. Yet today, corporate governance structures often exacerbate conflict by promoting the interests of some groups(such as senior executives and the providers of capital)at the expense of others (usually employees,local communities, and the planet). Management systems must more fully reflect the ethos of community and citizenship—and the inescapable interdependence of all stakeholder groups must be designed into organizational operations at every level.

68 Stories
114 Hacks
5 Barriers

Embed the ethos of community and citizenship

“Stakeholder relationships must be seen as interdependent and positive-sum.”

In our increasingly interdependent world, highly collaborative systems will outperform organizations that are characterized by adversarial win-lose relationships. Yet today, corporate governance structures often exacerbate conflict by promoting the interests of some groups(such as senior executives and the providers of capital)at the expense of others (usually employees,local communities, and the planet). Management systems must more fully reflect the ethos of community and citizenship—and the inescapable interdependence of all stakeholder groups must be designed into organizational operations at every level.

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The Deliberative Corporation is a technology-supported process for sustainable decision-making. It allows any organization or governing group to consult its population.
Hack by James Fishkin on July 18, 2011
Enlarge the circle of trust by orders of magnitude and radically accelerate the trust-building process by empowering people to rely on the information even before they trust each other.
Hack by Alex Todd on May 4, 2010
It is conversations that shape our experiences. Creativity and the potential for change within organisations lie with 'shadow conversations' and their tension with the legitimate.
Hack by Mireille Jansma on June 19, 2010
Create and Implement a Compensation System which links the Variable Component of the Salary (of an Employee) to the Community Developmental works (Company Initiated Works) which he/she performs outsid
This hack introduces Stakeholder Enrichment as a theory and practical application designed to advance Capitalism by rebooting the underlying motivators of self-interest and creating more evolved corpo
Hack by Linda Braasch on May 11, 2012
Business professors think I am out of my mind, but I think business professors are out of their mind if they think that models they teach in business school really work.
Hack by Matt Shlosberg on September 6, 2010
