It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Embed the ethos of community and citizenship

“Stakeholder relationships must be seen as interdependent and positive-sum.”

In our increasingly interdependent world, highly collaborative systems will outperform organizations that are characterized by adversarial win-lose relationships. Yet today, corporate governance structures often exacerbate conflict by promoting the interests of some groups(such as senior executives and the providers of capital)at the expense of others (usually employees,local communities, and the planet). Management systems must more fully reflect the ethos of community and citizenship—and the inescapable interdependence of all stakeholder groups must be designed into organizational operations at every level.

68 Stories
114 Hacks
5 Barriers

Embed the ethos of community and citizenship

“Stakeholder relationships must be seen as interdependent and positive-sum.”

In our increasingly interdependent world, highly collaborative systems will outperform organizations that are characterized by adversarial win-lose relationships. Yet today, corporate governance structures often exacerbate conflict by promoting the interests of some groups(such as senior executives and the providers of capital)at the expense of others (usually employees,local communities, and the planet). Management systems must more fully reflect the ethos of community and citizenship—and the inescapable interdependence of all stakeholder groups must be designed into organizational operations at every level.

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To increase employee satisfaction, build trust and retain talent during a post-product cycle reorganization (reorg), the Microsoft Lync Test team offered its employees the freedom to choose what they
Story by Dan Bean on December 17, 2011
What do we mean by the statement: "P-CED takes the bottom line one step further: to people, past numbers" ? It begins in 1996 with the question of how the economy could better se
Story by Jeff Mowatt on July 20, 2013
I wrote this in 2015... but did not published.Government support: Who gets it? Why do they get it? What do they get? How do they get it?Who pays? Why do they pay? What do the pay? How do they pay?
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on October 19, 2015
The internet has had a profound effect on many areas of commerce.One area the internet has not yet had a profound affect upon is how people are organized to perform work.We believe this is about to ch
Story by Jim McKeown on April 11, 2010
There is no future for any pure -ism including capitalism. Life is too complex and interdependent for that. We need organic institutions with a clear view of purpose and values.
Story by Mickey Huibregtsen on May 2, 2012
We talk a lot about how important communication is.  Communication within our organizations is one of the easiest, most valuable tools we have, and we don't always find a way to use it properly.&
Story by Michelle Paitich on September 20, 2010
We need to develop a personal stake in our world.
Story by Jennifer Conrad on May 11, 2012
After a period of relative under-performance from '99 to '04, In 2005 Hindustan Unilever undertook a massive 'culture-reboot' that focussed the length and breadth of the organization on making a 'real
Story by Stephen Remedios on April 15, 2012
